Thursday, August 30, 2012

Craters on Your Face: How to Minimize Pores

Large and open pores can be a big problem and it can be frustrating. Pores become visible as a result of improper skin care and the presence of blackheads. Your genes, the environment, and your age are all contributing factors to pore size.

Good news! You do not have to live with large pores for the rest of your life. Here are some natural and inexpensive ways to minimize your pores.

1. Keep your pores clean.
Use mild soap for washing your kin. Cleansers that contain ingredients such as oatmeal and milk are better choices. You can also make a mixture of the following:
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup milk (whole)
2 tbsp. Baking soda
1 egg white
This mixture can clean your pores deeply and remove dirt and bacteria that can clog your pores. After massaging this mixture on your face, rinse with lukewarm water.

2. Exfoliate
Every now and then, dead skin cells and dirt build up on your skin. Exfoliating your skin can help remove dead skin cells. Do this twice a week. Dead skin cells and other dirt can clog your pores. You can use sugar or whole oats to exfoliate your skin.

3. Open Pores with Steam Bath
Boil water on a pot and put your face directly over the steam for about 15 minutes. The steam can help open up your pores and remove dirt clogged in it. Do this every week. Apply mask after steaming your face.

4. Moisturize and tone
Use aloe to moisturize and tone your face. Alcohol-based astringents can damage and dry your skin.

5. Drink plenty of water
Water keeps your skin hydrated and it gives your skin a healthy glow. Aside from that, water aids in the healing process.

6. Say No to Smoking
Smoking does not do you any good. Aside from lung problems, you will also get unhealthy skin from smoking.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Losing Weight: Top 3 Healthy Habits

Controlling that weight involves lifestyle changes that you have to be willing to live with for the rest of your life. Slowly ease these minor changes into your daily life and you will see the changes. You can stop dreaming and live your dreams in losing those extra pounds.

Healthy Eating Habits
Always start your day by eating breakfast. Break+fast - it means that you are breaking the fasting when you were sleeping. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because this will get your body going for the rest of the day.

Eat at regular intervals because this will prevent you from overeating. The best thing to do is find the eating habit and schedule that works best for you and make sure to stick to it.

Keep extra food back in the kitchen. Serve the amount of food that you are able to finish. The reason is that bowls of food on the table attracts more appetite.

Buy Groceries with a Full Stomach
Believe it or not, going to the supermarket with a full stomach can save you a lot of money. List the things that you need to buy and stick to it. Avoid buying junk foods because it will only contribute to your weight.

Plan to Succeed
You will need a game plan with your meals and snacks. There are certain times during the day when you get hungry. Always have healthy snacks with you to take a bite any time you need it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Top 6 Apple Facts You Should Know

Apples are often consumed raw save for the seeds which are usually removed. They can also  be canned or juiced. Apple juice can also be fermented in order to produce cider which has health benefits. The saying "an apple a days keeps the doctor away" can be dated back to 19th century in Wales. This is because it is believed that there are many health benefits of apples. Despite having a low vitamin C content, apples are rich in antioxidant which means that it can be cancer preventive.

Here are some benefits that you can get from apples:

Immune System Boost
The fiber and vitamin C in apples can boost your immune system. A medium apple is the same as eating a cup of fruit so you can meet your daily fruit consumption.

Cancer Prevention
Apples can prevent a number of cancers such as lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer. Apples are rich sources of antioxidants. This property of apples can help prevent cell and tissue damage.

There are high levels of flavonoids and naringin in apples which can help in the prevention of lung cancer. According to a research, the risk for getting lung cancer for people who consume apples is lowered.

An apple a day can also lower the risk for breast cancer. The more apples you take, the lower the risk.

Apples can help regulate bowel movement. Despite having a lower fiber content than other fruits, its ability to regulate bowel movement can reduce colon cancer risk.

Eating apples can also reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Prevention of Dementia
A new study made on mice shows that apple juice can fight the deterioration of the brain that may lead to Alzheimer's. Apple juice has been found to increase acetylcholine which prevents cognitive deterioration.

Lowers Cholesterol
Apples contain pectin which can lower the bad cholesterol in the body. The fiber in the apple prevents reabsorption which results to lower cholesterol levels. With this, you will have a healthier heart.

Weight Loss
Apples can make you feel full without eating too much because it can satisfy hunger. As a result, this can help you shed off those extra pounds. If you have weight problems, chances are you will have some health problems as well. By eating apples, you can decrease your weight and stay healthy at the same time.

Eating an apple before your exercise regimen can boost your endurance because more oxygen is made available to your lungs.

Prevents GI Problems
Whether you are having gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea or constipation, the fiber in apples can help absorb excess water or keep things moving down your colon.

Irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids can also be averted by apple consumption.

So eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away. On second thought, eat more than one apple per day, and you will surely see the difference.